Inventory not loading, shadows not rezzng properly, I crash every 3 or 4 snapshots, SL suddenly decided it would be fun to not move the sun how I ask him to .... Can anyone please tell me what have it done to the SL Gods to deserve this?

You know dear SL, I have way to much to do to deal with your inconsistency and sudden changes of mood so you know what? I am going to take my blog pictures as good as I can (which is not much anyway), I am going to rewrite all those shows and MVW things in word files and screw your never-loading-notecards and I am going to ask all my friends to forgive me for not recieving IMs in email, being capped every time I login and not answering their IMs because I am crashed even if they see me online.... and keep on with my life. Screw you!! kkthxbye .
I would like to welcome to my blog the sweet and sophisticated designs of Applonia Criss from Chantkare, a really beautiful and talented woman who I have known from quite a while from BOSL Magazine Readers group but have just recently managed to meet also as a successful clothing designer. It looks like Chantkare has grown much bigger since I left SL last year, and has now a wide range of couture and casual lines of "Funky, fabulous and fierce" designs, from comfy jackets to the most delicate cocktail dresses. I have to confess I was really scared to blog about Applonia designs because her pictures are always very beautiful, like magazine spreads, and I was afraid I couldn't do justice to her designs, but now I have an excuse because SL was missbehaving soo....If you want good pictures check HER BLOG HERE or even better go to the store and check some pieces yourself. You will definitely become Chantkare addict, you have been warned!!
Outfit 1 Credits:
Socks: League Thermal Long Socks in camel
Shoes: Reek Boston Boots
Outfit 2 Credits:
Outfit 3 Credits:
Poses: BehaviorBody